88 Gallery London

88 Gallery London focuses on 20th century and contemporary collectible design and functional art.
We actively search the market for original pieces, and collaborate with a growing number of contemporary artists and designers such as Abel Cárcamo, Ado Chale, Timothy Schreiber, Roberta Verteramo and Ben Storms.
Our leitmotivs are authenticity and originality. Erik Mullendorff, the gallery owner, has published on twentieth century cabinet making in the Furniture History Society Journal and serves on the vetting committees of several international fairs.
The gallery participates in events such as Masterpiece London, PAD Paris and PAD London.
We actively search the market for original pieces, and collaborate with a growing number of contemporary artists and designers such as Abel Cárcamo, Ado Chale, Timothy Schreiber, Roberta Verteramo and Ben Storms.
Our leitmotivs are authenticity and originality. Erik Mullendorff, the gallery owner, has published on twentieth century cabinet making in the Furniture History Society Journal and serves on the vetting committees of several international fairs.
The gallery participates in events such as Masterpiece London, PAD Paris and PAD London.


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